Robert Spencer illustrated a rather eloquent argument in comparison to his opponent. His opponent would sooner antagonize his opponent rather than dissect the argument, causing criticism from both non-Muslims and Muslims on his part in the debate.
Keeping the Facts Straight
This is a free blog that is in response to the liberal media's mudslinging and ensures that facts and reason, not emotion or lies, are on this.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
The Angry Muslim: Signs We Need to Stop Islamization and Sharia
For those who are unsure of the aggressive behavior of Muslims in the world and the associated misogyny, this debate can illustrate a strong picture of what the Muslim ideology can do to women.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Self Evident Truths: The Stinky Award: MSNBC News Investigative Report:...
Self Evident Truths: The Stinky Award: MSNBC News Investigative Report:...: "Today's Stinky Award goes to both MSNBC's Martin Bashir and psychologist Stanton Peele who defy all rationality in their analysis of the Tea..."
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Crimes that are Heinous Enough: Why the Death Penalty Should Be Considered
Amid revolutions, war, and riots in the Middle East, the West faced terrorism in Norway. It consisted of two attacks. The first was of a car bombing of government buildings in Oslo that killed eight, while the second consisted of a If Jared Loughner was a left-wing, radical socialist, Anders Behring Brevik was the opposite. The liberal media has covered its share of the attacks, due to Anders' affiliation and defection of the English Defense League, and produced its inflammatory remarks towards anti-Islam groups such as the English Defense League (EDL), Norwegian Defense League (NDL) and Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE). The EDL, the NDL, or SIOE all replied that there were no affiliations with a militant extremist, as all three of these groups emphasize human rights over cultural supremacy.
The question now remains. What should the Norwegian government do about Anders Behring Brevik? The maximum time for imprisonment is twenty-one years, possibly thirty if newer legislation allows for it. Legal efforts are to determine whether he is declared sane in order to stand trial. However, it is rather straightforward that the insanity defense will fail, as it has for most nations' legal systems. The preparation, transportation, and execution of these acts are too complicated for a clinically insane individual, with Brevik even confessing that he did, for years, prepare for the attacks. His ability to discriminate right and wrong is also apparent, because he refused to execute an 11-year-old boy who stood up and said he was two young to die and a 22-year-old who begged for his life.
What do I, the author, have to say about this? All I do have to say is that there are crimes so heinous and indifferent towards human life to warrant an execution, and incarceration is insufficient for the crime committed. Although Norway signed on to protocol 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which banned capital punishment during peacetime, it should include an exception cause that excludes Brevik from such a legal loophole that allows such an egregious minimization of his punishment. Allowing Brevik to face a comparable slap on the wrist for a tragedy and its undue ripple effect. Such extremes are the reason why some nations, including the United States, refuse to collectively eliminate the death penalty. Although nations without the death penalty have lower murder rates, such causative arguments by capital punishment dissenters fail to take into account other variables in murder rates. What nations need to comprehend is that the death penalty is a method of punishment and a legal bargaining tool, as is incarceration and parole. It better serves justice towards the victims than the accused, and prevents parole of criminals and another chance of committing further crimes. The only reason it is considered a financial burden to taxpayers is because of the accommodations governments provide to the condemned, such as lethal injection and incarceration prior to execution. Firing squads and hangings are cheaper, and the pain produced provides even more due justice. Allowance of multiple life sentences is unnecessary and ridiculous. If we are to progress as a society, we need to utilize any means necessary for law and order.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Sonoran Science Academy: Honest School or Muslim Gatekeeping?
However, not every good school comes without its share of criticism. Many dissatisfied individuals and critics argue that the schools fail to provide adequate education. Others argued that it is considered unfair to hand out visas to Even more controversial are the allegations that these schools are part of an "educational jihad", in which these schools are an attempt to indoctrinate Americans with the Gulen Movement (or radical Islam), the movement which reduced the secular Turkey to an Islamic State. Others have argued that these schools promote anti-Israel sentiment through allowing Muslim students to promote hate speech and Jewish alienation. One student, who remains anonymous, had endured years of harassment by both Muslim staff and students who promoted ethnic solidarity over individualism.
"I heard a lot of Arab students preach, "Death to Israel!" or "I hate America!" and the faculty would not do anything about it. If the culprit was Muslim, the person basically wasn't going to be disciplined by the Administration, or face the bare minimum. If the teachers had any political affiliation with conservative groups, they were dismissed or placed under surveillance and mistreated by students. If you didn't agree with them, they would label you as ignorant or un-educated and mistreated you with aggression or poor grades." Other parents became displeased that there were denials of genocides committed in Turkey taught in schools, including the denial of the Armenian genocide.
Responses from these various criticisms were on both sides. Sonoran Science Academy and it's affiliated charter schools went into the aggressive, legal defense. Accusers were unmoved by legal threats and criticism from faculty, current students, alumni and lawyers, stating that these methods of intimidation will not deter their efforts. Fatih Karatas, the current principal of Sonoran Science Academy, denied any connections between the connections of the various charter schools. However, parents and students have noticed that ex-faculty members of Sonoran Science Academy were participating in other Gulen-affiliated schools such as the Beehive Academy in Utah and the Accord Institute. Karatas further defends by stating that any political affiliation is a violation of current regulations.
One really needs to determine whether these allegations are true and supported (or simply based on Islamophobia or other ulterior motives). The Gulen Movement was started by Fethullah Gulen, an Islamic scholar who preached interfaith dialogue, condemned terrorism, and promoted secularism. He criticized the Gaza flotilla for not attaining proper consent from Israel. Thus, this "educational jihad" is a promotion of hizmet (altruism for the common good). However, followers of the Gulen philosophy have promoted Islamization of foreign states and obedience to Sharia law, which is itself disturbing in the United States. Other Muslim students and faculty have aggravated the political stance with anti-Semitism and anti-American preaching.
But, these individuals do have a point. In the economic climate where it is difficult for U.S. and American-born teachers to attain a job, should it be time to go immigrating teachers outside of the United States? Are these immigrants from Turkey really necessary when we can accommodate these jobs with American citizens? Recently, a few American teachers have been dismissed by Sonoran Science Academy for unknown reasons. They also do have a strong point. With students learning from what teachers and other students say, inflammatory remarks and controversial politics should not be taught in these schools, especially in schools that are supposed to protect and enhance American freedoms.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Bringing the American back to American Jobs: The Importance of Employer Sanctions and E-Verify
Arizona's Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act had faced several injunctions blocking several key parts of the Bill, but one part of the bill is still active. This part allowed the imposition of strict employer sanctions and revocation of business licenses if a business has been implicated in the hiring of illegal immigrants. It also permitted the use of electronic employer verification (E-Verify) in an effort to determine employees and their legal status.
Once again, both sides have argued for and against efforts to regulate hiring of illegal immigrants. Most, including Governor Jan Brewer, praised this judicial decision as an effort to control economic incentives to illegal immigration. However, ethnocentric and extreme liberals groups (such as La Raza and the Brown Berets) argue that it will create undue racial profiling and alienation of legal Latinos. Immigration reduction activists (such as NumbersUSA) counter by saying anti-immigrant legislation (through economic or physical regulation) allow the promotion of the domestic interests and reduce American unemployment.
In order to maintain the facts, one needs to determine whether immigration is good. Is it a humanitarian effort or a promotion of the idea that one can sell themselves to a better market? The humanitarian argument can be construed in two different ways. One may say it is more humane to allow to employ illegal immigrants for a better livelihood and chance to improve their families in the parent state. However, others may counter with the idea that giving illegal aliens employment is more inhumane due to the unfairness to those who come here legally and American citizens who are also demanding employment. On top of this, individuals who do enter the host nation (especially one that is economically and socially advantaged) do not wish to return and aid their parent nation, thus becoming an undue burden upon the host nation. Roy Beck seems to have a point when he makes immigration analogous to gumballs.
I simply conclude by stating that the nation needs to really think twice before we start giving amnesty to a small group of humans who can do much better improving the quality of their nations. Should we allow illegal immigrants (possible criminals, fugitives, and job-seekers) to destroy the welfare of America when they have the potential to improve the nation they have left? As American citizens are losing jobs due to the ravages of illegal immigration, we need to make sure our infrastructures do not destroy ourselves and the nations we're claiming to help.
Once again, both sides have argued for and against efforts to regulate hiring of illegal immigrants. Most, including Governor Jan Brewer, praised this judicial decision as an effort to control economic incentives to illegal immigration. However, ethnocentric and extreme liberals groups (such as La Raza and the Brown Berets) argue that it will create undue racial profiling and alienation of legal Latinos. Immigration reduction activists (such as NumbersUSA) counter by saying anti-immigrant legislation (through economic or physical regulation) allow the promotion of the domestic interests and reduce American unemployment.
In order to maintain the facts, one needs to determine whether immigration is good. Is it a humanitarian effort or a promotion of the idea that one can sell themselves to a better market? The humanitarian argument can be construed in two different ways. One may say it is more humane to allow to employ illegal immigrants for a better livelihood and chance to improve their families in the parent state. However, others may counter with the idea that giving illegal aliens employment is more inhumane due to the unfairness to those who come here legally and American citizens who are also demanding employment. On top of this, individuals who do enter the host nation (especially one that is economically and socially advantaged) do not wish to return and aid their parent nation, thus becoming an undue burden upon the host nation. Roy Beck seems to have a point when he makes immigration analogous to gumballs.
I simply conclude by stating that the nation needs to really think twice before we start giving amnesty to a small group of humans who can do much better improving the quality of their nations. Should we allow illegal immigrants (possible criminals, fugitives, and job-seekers) to destroy the welfare of America when they have the potential to improve the nation they have left? As American citizens are losing jobs due to the ravages of illegal immigration, we need to make sure our infrastructures do not destroy ourselves and the nations we're claiming to help.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Obama and his Legal Pad: Trying to Stop an Execution?
Reactions occurred on both sides. Leal's relatives burned an American flag and feebly criticized the American justice system. Leal's attorney said that consular help would have freed him. However, the Supreme Court voted The Texas Attorney General stated officially that the attempts to review Leal's appeals were an effort to evade justice. Sauceda's family concurred in a simple, logical statement: "A technicality doesn't give anyone the right to come to this country and rape, torture, and murder anyone."
So, we all have to wonder to ourselves, who is the Obama Administration representing? The U.S. that is letting him use the White House, or the Mexican government that he's allowing its citizens to undermine and violate the rights and rules of the United States, even if the broken laws are criminal? I think that this event only shows further that he fails to even represent the interests of the American people. If he would sooner place international relations before criminal justice, should we allow this man to continue his presidency? He only promotes the Democrat ideal of corruption and ignorance, and continuing his presidency would doom this nation and it's citizens.
You know what, Leal's relatives? You need to learn to face facts and learn that there is law in every nation. You think that your family member should walk on a crime that violates every social norm on the grounds of his citizenship? Your argument for fairness was futile, and already has been confirmed as an attempt for him to walk on murder. He wasn't going to walk as soon as he confessed to murder. And on top of that, you burned an American flag. So I will post a picture of an American burning the Mexican flag. Actually, there are a bunch of videos of this on YouTube, but this is completely out of spite. His death was a byproduct of law and order, not corruption. It is more disturbing to let him walk on a crime that no man should walk.
Seneca: Understanding Illegal Immigration - Think Property...
Seneca: Understanding Illegal Immigration - Think Property...: "Recently, large demonstrations have taken place across the country, protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of i..."
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